While we Walk…
‘…Passionate Dependence…’
Tomorrow we head west. Tomorrow we follow the passionate call of Jesus to "Go." Tomorrow, the Holy Spirit leads. "And there's no real knowing where we are going;" but for the one who holds on tight to that ancient whisper of God, there comes a surity which accents that deep resolve of accepting those words: "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Sacred. Our travels have been sacred. Anointed and consecrated by and for God. We've walked into a city that has real character. The chipped paint, tangeled power lines, and rustic Soviet installments add a curiously sweet tincture to every street-corner and alley-way. The people, as diverse as any, are passionate, strong, and kind.
I don't have the time to enumerate the blessings of God in a way that is worthy of His grace, but know that He has set us in high places as His sons. And here we are, looking to grab hold of that sonship with a passionate and chain-breaking resolve of abandon to the Cross. And good sons obey - radically and without question. This is the power of the Cross in us - identifying us as sons, validating us as the Beloved, and establishing us as His own portion in dark streets where light flickers from every secret motive.
Tomorrow. I have no clue what tomorrow holds. But we've got maps, we've got tents, and we've got The Holy Spirit. I am reminded of when Abraham, in faith, left all he owned to follow the call of God to a land that he had never seen. He said, "Go, take all you have and go to the land that I will show you." Abraham never looked back, never questioned God - His obedience (the evidence of his faith) was accredited to him as righteousness. And we are chasing righteousness... the call to "go to the land that I will show you." It's not that we're masochists, thrill seekers, or Christian radicals, but it is a thirst for the Living God - the Consuming Fire, it is a simple grapsing of a simple message called "Good News" that contains so profound a message that it could bring the nations to their knees. For the love of God. For the love of those He imprinted with His own image.
Please continue on in prayer. One month of faithfulness in this distinct way - as we are faithful to God in our hiking, talking, eating, sheep-shearing, and Gospel-living, please also be faithful in prayer. Not for safety or for comfort - but for holiness and for souls. Pray that God be glorified in the way that most pleases Him. Pray that the harvest and sowing be great.
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot
We love you all and you also are in our prayers daily.
In the love of the Maker,
In the love of the Maker,
Team Mongolia
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